Dividend Information

Our dividend policy is to pay out around 50% of underlying earnings through an interim and final dividend, with the interim dividend reflecting around one-third of the total annual dividend.

On 25 July 2024, the Company paid an interim dividend of 20.7 cents (16.2 pence) per share to shareholders on the register of members on 14 June 2024.

Sterling Equivalent of Interim Dividend

On 9 July 2024, the Company announced that the Sterling equivalent of the interim dividend was 16.2 pence per ordinary share based on an exchange rate of US$1=£0.783.

The US$:£ conversion rate was determined by the actual rates achieved by the Company buying forward contracts for Sterling currency, during the five working days preceding this announcement, for delivery ahead of the dividend payment date on 25 July 2024.

If you have any questions please contact  our share registrar, Link Group, telephone within the UK: Freephone 0800 029 4520 and from overseas: +44 333 300 1568 or by email shareholderenquiries@linkgroup.co.uk.

Lines are open between 9:00 am and 5.30 pm UK time, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays in England and Wales.

For details of past dividend payments or to calculate how much you have been paid, please click here.

Payment of dividends

We encourage shareholders to have their dividends paid directly into their bank or building society account. This is a more secure method of payment and avoids delays or cheques being lost. Shareholders can sign up for this service using the Share Portal at www.signalshares.com, or by completing the bank mandate form attached to their dividend cheque. Shareholders resident outside the UK may be able to have their dividends in excess of £10 paid into their bank account directly via Link Group global payments service. Details and terms and conditions may be viewed at https://ww2.linkgroup.eu/ips.

An annual Dividend Confirmation will be issued by Link Group shortly after the payment of the final dividend each year.

If you have not received your dividend or if your dividend cheque is out of date, please contact the registrar:

Freephone UK: 0800 029 4520
Overseas: +44 333 300 1568

Email: shareholderenquiries@linkgroup.co.uk
Website: https://www.linkgroup.eu/

Dividend reinvestment plan

You can elect to use your cash dividend to buy more Compass shares under the DRIP. On or about each dividend payment date, Link will calculate the number of shares that can be bought with your dividend at current market prices (after deduction of costs and expenses) and then purchase this number of shares on your behalf. Any cash balance remaining after the purchase of shares will be retained, without interest, and added to your next dividend.

For more information and details of how to participate in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan please contact Link Market Services Trustees Limited:

Telephone within the UK: Freephone 0800 029 4520 and from overseas: +44 333 300 1568

Email: shares@linkgroup.co.uk 
Sign up online at https://www.signalshares.com/


Please note that you need to retain all Dividend Confirmations for a period of six years for the purpose of self-assessment.

For further information visit the HMRC website at: https://www.gov.uk/tax-on-dividends.

Tax legislation can change from time to time and if you are in any doubt as to your tax position, whether in relation to the receipt of a dividend or arising from your purchase of shares under the DRIP, you should contact a suitably qualified professional adviser.

If you lose your Dividend Confirmation, contact Link Group, detailing which confirmation(s) have been lost. Link will issue you with duplicates on payment of an administration charge. Other charges may also apply.